Want to pickup a specific Bookmobile item you found in LINKcat?
We have a large collection and can't fit it all onboard at once. Contact us in advance to ensure we have your item onboard when you visit!
Call: (608) 266-9297 (temporarily out of service) or email: bookmobile.dcl [at] gmail.com (bookmobile[dot]dcl[at]gmail[dot]com)


Special Materials for Visually & Physically Handicapped
Thousands of titles are available in special editions with print twice as large as the usual. Here are some lists of new Large Print Fiction and Large Print Non-Fiction available in the library system. The Dane County Library Service has copies of most of these books and access to all of them. Large print books are also available at all public libraries in Dane County. Use the library catalog, LINKcat, to search for Large Print books by selecting "Large Print book" under the "Any Format" drop-down list.

Talking Books
Recorded books and magazines are available through the Library of Congress and the Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library for anyone who cannot use regular print books for visual or physical reasons. Dane County Library Service is a cooperative library agent for their program. The Library of Congress has a web site that gives many details on their program. For more about this program, click here. Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library has additional information and an application for services, available here.

We will deliver and demonstrate your machine if you wish.

Anyone interested in participating in this program should call (608) 266-9297 weekdays, 8:00am - 4:00pm for additional information or email driscoll [at] dcls.info (driscoll[at]dcls[dot]info).

Delivery to your Home
There is free mail delivery of large print library materials to any Dane County resident who cannot come to the library due to physical limitations.

Any person confined at home, the hospital or other institution is eligible for homebound service. Home delivery is also available for short-term illness or accident patients. You may request specific titles or personal guidance in selecting books you want to read.

Collections for Institutions
Over sixty nursing homes, elderly housing complexes, and senior centers in Dane County receive a temporary collection of large print materials. These collections are selected and sized with the particular readers in mind and are rotated on a monthly basis. Programming kits and other media are additional components sometimes included with monthly deliveries.

Your Questions Answered by Telephone
Questions of any kind, on any subject, can often be answered by telephone. This information service is available to everyone in the community, not just the homebound. Call your local library with any questions.

Librarian Visits
A librarian is available to talk to your group about these services.

Service is Free
To begin your service or to get more information call (608) 266-9297 weekdays, 8:00am - 4:00pm, or email driscoll [at] dcls.info (driscoll[at]dcls[dot]info).